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Health Story Somatic Coaching

Home: Welcome
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Home: Testimonials


"Matt's coaching is a powerful force for change. Our sessions focus on creating practices and habits that actually kickstart change. The relationship is based on real talk, real listening, and real intimacy."


"Working with you has certainly assisted with the settling of my soul in this tumultuous time period of my life and brought me to a place that feels peaceful, hope filled, and steady."


"I'll be honest. I was hesitant to work with you because I had already tried everything. Not only did you help me limit my migraines, but I have greater hope for the future."

Monkey Bathing

Benefits to You

Somatic Coaching offers an intimate partnership that helps identify blocks, create helpful new habits, and produce real transformation safely and effectively. Although feeling stuck is no fun, an expert guide can make a world of difference.  

Whether it's support with your health, career, relationships, or finding greater meaning in your life, Somatic Coaching can help. 

We'll work through the typical confusion of thoughts to mine the deep inner wisdom of your body. By excavating this inner treasure, we'll uncover long hidden truths to demystify change and embrace your future. 

Deer Looking Back

Your body knows what your mind hides

Your Body is Always Talking

Creation of Adam. Hands of different peo

And It Has A Lot to Say

Your body is always talking to you in the only way it knows how -- by sensation and emotion.


Whether physical illness or emotional pain, your body wants your attention... asking for what it needs. 

Somatics - from the Greek “soma” - embraces the totality of who you are: your habits, family history, friendships, spiritual path, shadow, desires... everything that defines you. And it's all stored within. 

Image by Patrick Fore

Why "Health Story"?

Your identity is largely tied up with the “story” your tell yourself.  

Heavily influenced by family history and social conditioning,

this story is a false narrative that coerces you to be far different

than who you're meant to be. 


Letting go of this story is simple. 


It means changing the story you tell yourself.

Home: About
Happy Couple

True Support, Real Progress

Clear. Intuitive. Honest. 

“You always cut through the confusion and go right to the heart of things." 

Be supported by an insightful, compassionate guide within a safe container. It’s more than deep listening — it’s “being witnessed.” 

Health Story Blog

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About Me: Hearing The Voice

I’ll never forget the day I heard The Voice. 

“Be of service,” it told me. 

I didn’t really understand what it meant. At the time, I was a well-respected healthcare writer who spent a lot of time working solo and thinking about my next story.  

But I quickly learned... never ignore The Voice. 

This quest actually started many years earlier when I was introduced to Joseph Campbell's "Hero's Journey" through the wonderful documentary "Finding Joe." It then took many years of studying, exploring, and investigating before I finally understood the questions I needed to answer. Despite reading all the books and attending the seminars and retreats, why were people still stuck?  How could they actually make lasting changes in their lives? And how could I support them? 

I found the answers in the worlds of embodiment and somatics. Together, they resolved all my questions about what people needed most.

My work is founded in a lifetime of health exploration spanning movement, deep listening, presencing, cognitive behavioral therapy, indigenous wisdom, parenting and much more.  I’ve prepared my entire life to do this work.

This is my calling. 

Happy Dance

Experience It. Feel It.

The only way to truly understand this work is to experience it yourself. 

How can I help?

Curious to know more? Want that guide on getting Unstuck? I'd love to connect with you. Please call me, fill out the form below, or email me directly at MattPerryHealth [at]

MattPerryHealth [at]


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